White River Volunteer Fire Department
PO Box 280, White River, SD 57579
The White River Volunteer Fire Department responds to all types of fires as well as emergency calls. The department does mutual aid with Nebraska and surrounding areas. They have four brush units, three engine units, a rescue unit, tender, emergency management trailer, large portable generator, and mini-pumper available to assist with any emergency.
Funding comes from a Tribal contract to be first responders for the Rosebud BIA. Funds also come from donations, grants, fundraisers, and the donation of insurance payments. Meetings are the first Thursday of every month. Any person who wishes to become a member of the department must apply in writing, be 18 years of age at the time of application and be recommended by one member in good standing in the department and approved by a majority vote.
BIA Rosebud Agency Fire Management
PO Box 228, Mission, SD 57555
Bert Shields, Fire Prevention Officer
Hoss Pearman, Supervisor/Forestry Technician
Bret Strain
PO Box 413, White River, SD 57579
Phone: (605) 259-3459
Email: gstrain@gwtc.net
Bret Strain has been involved in ranching his entire life. The Strain Ranch is Northeast of White River South Dakota where Bret and his family raise top quality American Quarter Horses and Black Angus Cattle. They also irrigate crop land with water from the Little White River. They grow mainly forage crops that are used for feed for their livestock. Bret is a certified ABS AI technician. For over 20 years he has used his knowledge to continually improve their cattle and help neighbors improve their herds. Contact Bret for all your cattle artificial insemination needs.
Cheyenne Junction and Dakota Ag Insurance
Lashea Bickel
215 2nd Ave. East, Trail City, SD 57657
605-530-0872 or 605-845-7170
Cheyenne Junction is handmade western home decor. I make picture frames and mirrors with beautiful genuine cowhide and tooled leather. I make rope art, longhorn floral arrangements, decorated longhorn skulls, western fleece headbands and silk scarves. I also offer western blankets and rugs that I do not make myself. I am also a licensed ag insurance agent with Dakota Ag Insurance and wanted to offer information to the public there about our livestock coverages and ranch coverages. I will have flyers with information for Dakota Ag and will be able to visit with anyone who might have some questions.
Mid-Missouri River Prescribed Burn Association
The Mid-Missouri River Prescribed Burn Association (MMRPBA) is South Dakota’s first ever prescribed burn association. The MMRPBA was initially formed by ranchers and landowners in Gregory County and now comprises roughly 35 landowners in Gregory, Lyman, Charles Mix, and Brule Counties. The primary goal of the MMRPBA is to control cedar tree infestation and improve grassland health by conducting prescribed fires mainly in land along the Missouri River and surrounding areas.
Keith Hovorka, keithhovorka0377@gmail.com Phone:(605) 830-9112
Dave Steffen, dsteffen@goldenwest.net Phone:(605) 654-2288
Sara Grim, grimranch@gwtc.net Phone:(605) 464-0377
Sean Kelly, sean.kelly@sdstate.edu Phone:(605)-840-2200
Farm Credit Services of America
PO Box 10, Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: (605) 224-1678 - Toll Free: 1 800 658-3627
Fax: (605) 224-6179 - Web Site: www.fcsamerica.com
phillip.ringstmeyer@fcsamerica.com - johndemers@fcsamerica.com
timothy.Kinsley@fcsamerica.com - jean.childs@fcsamerica.com
Farm Credit Services of America, based in Omaha, Nebraska, is dedicated to serving the agricultural credit, risk management, and financial needs of farmers and ranchers in Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Kansas.
American agriculture has grown to become the largest, most efficient, and productive food system in the world, but remains a business of people. It is at this personal level, on farms and ranches of rural America and in the plants and facilities of agribusinesses, where Farm Credit Services of America works to finance each success. So, every day, in everything we do, we work to become agriculture’s most valued financial partner.
South Dakota Stock Growers Association
James Halverson
426 St. Joseph St., Rapid City, SD 57717
The South Dakota Stock Growers Association is a grassroots organization whose individual producer member determine the issues of importance to the state’s livestock industry. With input into the policy development, each member can influence SDSGA’s policy and priorities. Individual members of the association pull together to make these powerful decisions dedicated to promoting the livestock industry and enhancing the opportunity for profitability.
Farm Service Agency
Dave Klingberg, Collene Schwarting
PO Box A, White River, SD 57579
david.klingberg@sd.usda.gov / collene.schwarting@sd.usda.gov
Phone: (605) 259-3252 ext. 2 / Fax: (855) 262-0861
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) seeks to serve the public by providing all farmers and ranchers access and the opportunity to participate in those programs administered through the local FSA office. This includes maintaining a database of all agricultural land in both Mellette and Todd counties. FSA administers the Non-Insurable Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP), the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and other Programs as passed by Congress. FSA also has programs available to producers to aid in their financial goals such as Direct Operating & Farm Ownership Loans, Guaranteed Loans and Youth Loans.
Southern Plains Behavior Health
Sandra Fortuna
500 E 9th St., Winner, SD 57580
www.spbhs.net / jomeek@spbhs.net / safortuna@spbhs.net
Phone 605-842-1465 / Fax 605-842-2366
Southern Plains Behavioral Health Services envisions an unbiased, healthy society in which all people are regarded with respect, dignity, and the opportunity to achieve their full potential and recovery through meaningful social inclusion that is free from discrimination.”
Southern Plains Behavioral Health Services (SPBHS) is a community, non-profit agency designed to meet the behavioral health needs of all individuals within our catchment area. All areas of work within Southern Plains are coordinated to provide quality care to those individuals experiencing both short- and long-term difficulties in adjusting to life situations.
SPBHS serves Todd, Tripp, Gregory, and Mellette counties in south central South Dakota. Satellite clinics are operated in Gregory, Mission and White River. Appointments at the clinics can be scheduled through the Winner office, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at 605-842-1465.
Harry K Ford & NAPA
Tory Swedland, Sales Manager
1489 W Hwy 18, Winner, SD 57580
Phone: (605) 842-2505 / Cell Phone: (402) 201-4480
Family Friends and Fords… In that order.
Since 1988, Harry K Ford Lincoln has been a proud member of the Winner business community. We are dedicated to Winner and the surrounding area that have made us successful. The support we receive from the citizens of this area provides us with opportunities to give back to the community. We embrace these organizations and encourage other members of the community to do so as well.
We know you have many choices when it comes to your automotive needs. We appreciate the opportunity to earn your business. Be assured we will go above and beyond to take care of our customers from across the region.
Mellette County Cattle Women
Donna Adrian
Phone: (605) 685-8104
Mellette County Cattle Women impact our cattle industry by informing about beef’s health benefits, positive promotions to consumers and partnerships, working with South Dakota Cattle Women promoting beef certificates, scholarships, and the South Dakota Beef Industry Council.
SDSU- Department of Natural Resource Management
Sean Kelly - Range Mgmt. Field Specialist
325 S Monroe St., PO Box 270, Winner, SD 57580
(605) 842-1267
Our Department's overall mission is to conduct research, educate at all levels, and provide services and outreach that benefit South Dakotans and society. Our department addresses basic and applied research questions and approaches in: Ecology and Environmental Science, Rangeland Ecology and Management, and Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.
Todd Co. Conservation District Phone: (605) 856-4440
PO Box 268
Mission, SD 57555
Mellette Co. Conservation District Phone:(605) 259-3252
PO Box I
White River, SD 57579
Your local Conservation District focuses on natural resource problems and developing solutions with an effort to improve the environment. Your Conservation Supervisors are residents of their districts and have a personal connection to the resources around them. Currently the Districts have three Grants that provide cost share for certain conservation practices and one demonstration grant that will feature cover crops and their benefits. The Districts are available to assist with conservation planning and design. They offer tree planting services to producers and sell conservation grade seedling trees. The Districts also have two no-till, and two double-disk grass seed/grain drills available for producers to rent.
SDSU - Cooperative Extension Service
Ronald Frederick, SDSU Extension, 4-H Youth Program Advisor
P.O. Box 1125, Mission, SD 57555 / Phone: (605) 856-2198
Vanessa Hight, Jones and Mellette County 4-H
PO Box 258, White River, SD 57579 / Phone: (605) 259-3385
South Dakota State University Extension’s 4-H program in partnership with the Rosebud/Todd County area 4-H Leaders Assn. mission is to provide positive 4-H youth development programs in the areas of citizenship, healthy living, and the sciences. By emphasizing the importance of young people connecting to their communities by being well-informed and engaged in civic affairs; developing leadership skills and preparing for the life skills necessary to become productive members of society in school, work, career, and family life. Our purpose and goal are to strengthen and expand 4-H opportunities for youth in traditional and non-traditional 4-H programing through recruitment of 4-H Leaders, youth, and adult volunteers. We strive to develop goals and objectives for the 4-H program in Todd county and the Rosebud Reservation that are economically viable, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible to build trust and benefit the community we serve.
South Dakota Sheep Growers Association
Lealand Schoon
White River, SD 57579
The SD Sheep Growers Association is the trade association for sheep producers of South Dakota. SD is the 5th largest producer of lamb and wool in the United States. We focus on lamb and fiber promotion on a state-wide basis, and at educational events to keep members and the public updated on issues affecting the sheep industry. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the sheep industry. As a member, you will also receive the monthly "Sheep Industry News" magazine. www.sdsheepgrowers.org; up to date news on our Facebook page. Local, Mellette County sheep producer, Lealand Schoon, District 6 representative comments, “lamb and wool provide an excellent way to diversify profitability. And a great way to for the next generation to get started on an established cattle ranch.”
Sinte Gleska University Nursing Program
Contact: Amber Medearis, Admin Ass’t
351 E 2nd Street, Mission, SD 57555
605-856-8284 (office)
DeAnn Eastman-Jansen, RN, BSN, MSN, Director
Laura Dunn, RN, MSN, Nursing/Healthcare Educator/Instructor
The Sinte Gleska University nursing department provides nursing assistant training program classes toward certification; pre-nursing classes; and practical nursing courses. Sinte Gleska University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The university’s Associate of Applied Science Practical Nursing Program is an approved program by the South Dakota Board of Nursing.
South Central Livestock Supply
Tresh Swedlund
Phone: (605) 842-2293
South Central Livestock Supply is a family owned and operated business founded in 2016. We have over 19 years of experience in the agricultural industry and three locations for your convenience. As a local business, we understand the needs of our customers in South Dakota. At South Central Livestock Supply, we provide a wide range of agricultural products and services. Whether you are looking for liquid and dry feed or consultation services for cows and calves, give us a call or stop by today.
MEMS Embroidery & Promotional Products
Mabel Schmit
318 S. Main St., Winner, SD 57580
Phone: (605) 842-2488
I am a quilter and embroiderer doing embroidery on caps, coats, shirts, and more. I will have many sample products on hand and other merchandise available. If I don’t have the product on hand I have books available that I can order from. I am happy to work with you to create your own personalized design. We also do long arm quilting for you; you have a quilt top and need it quilted we can provide that service to you. We do mending of all sorts such as putting in zippers, hemming blue jeans and so on. We sell promotional products such as pens, pencils, bags, and much more as well. Our motto is: “We design What you select”. Our turn around for service time is short term. We appreciate you support for a small uptown business.
Michael Glynn Memorial Coalition
Joyce Glynn, Prevention Specialist
416 N. Main - PO Box 11, White River, SD 57521
Cell: (605) 441-5389
The Michael Glynn Memorial Coalition is a non-profit organization, accredited with the State of South Dakota to provide Prevention Services, whose mission is: The promotion of social welfare, education and provision of services beneficial to the public interest; including providing students and underage adults with opportunities to become or stay alcohol, tobacco and drug free through educational programs, healthy lifestyle programs, and the support and sponsorship of alcohol, tobacco and drug-free activities.
South Dakota Grassland Coalition
The South Dakota Grassland Coalition (SDLGC), a non-profit organization, was created in 1998 to serve as a voice for grassland managers. The grass resource, range and pastureland, makes up over half of South Dakota's land area and represents a tremendous economic and environmental asset. With over 500 members, SDGLC’s mission is to improve stewardship of grasslands through sustainable and profitable management.
Judge Jessop
PO Box 401, Presho, SD 57568
Phone: (605) 280-0127
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
PO Box I, White River, SD 57579
Phone: (605) 259-3252 ext. 3
Fax: (855) 254-6029
Ryan Willert, Resource Unit Conservationist, ryan.willert@sd.usda.gov
Lealand Schoon, Range Management Specialist, lealand.schoon@sd.usda.gov
Mary Scott, Tribal Liaison, mary.scott@sd.usda.gov
Clean water, productive soil, bountiful harvests, healthy plants and forests, abundant wildlife, lush wetlands, clean air, and beautiful vistas are our objectives. Wise stewardship of natural resources benefits each of us through a healthy environment and productive lands. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) helps people help the land through scientifically based, locally led voluntary conservation efforts.
South Dakota Department of Agriculture
523 E. Capitol, Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: (605) 773-3796 Cell: (605) 280-3582
Fax: (605) 773-3481
United States Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Inspection Service – Plant Protection and Quarantine (USDA-APHIS-PPQ). The South Dakota office supports grasshopper control, biological control of noxious weeds, exotic pest monitoring, biotechnology field release and plant pest permit monitoring and the issuance of export certificates. The booth will focus on noxious weeds, biological control, grasshoppers, and grasshopper management. We will also have information available on registered products for prairie dog control and dates they may be applied. Bring all your weed and pest control questions to us.
South Central Master Gardeners
Donna Adrian, White River, SD 57579
SDSU Extension’s Master Gardener program develops gardening enthusiasts into experts who share their research-based knowledge with community members across the state. Each year, Master Gardeners volunteer more than 10,000 hours answering your questions and hosting programming.
South Central Resource Conservation & Development
Jewell Bork, Program Manager
PO Box 461, Murdo, SD 57559
Phone: (605) 530-3713
South Central RC&D Council provides technical assistance to facilitate working with a diversity of individuals, groups, and agencies to manage and protect their natural resources. We work to better the economic viability of the area by addressing the following four elements: Land Conservation, Water Management, Community Development, and Land Management.
South Central RC&D serves the four counties of Jones, Mellette, Todd, and Tripp.
Sandhills Insurance Agency
Alana Arendt
PO Box 286, Valentine, NE 69201
Phone: (402) 376-1345 Cell: (402) 376-1188
Fax: (402) 322-0873
Sandhills Insurance Agency provides all insurance lines of coverage. We are locally owned and licensed to write insurance in Nebraska and South Dakota. We enjoy supporting our communities and getting to know you.
Rosebud Ranch and Farming Enterprise
Joe Ross, Ranch Manager
28547 Small Road - PO Box 220, Rosebud, SD 57570
605-747-2301 (office) 402-322-0814 (cell)
The Rosebud Ranch and Farming Enterprise (“Tribal Ranch”) is in Rosebud, SD on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in south central South Dakota. It was founded in 1982 under Rosebud Sioux Tribal Ordinance 82-03 with the purpose of operating a modern ranch and farming operation, which in turn would improve the economy of the Reservation. The Tribal Ranch is a Subordinate organization of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
Our Mission is to breed and produce excellent quality Black Angus cattle with superior proven genetics for the commercial beef market and for seed stock. Our Vision is to create a sustainable, commercial Black Angus cow-calf operation using sustainable practices while conserving and improving our natural resources.
Seymour Cow Care
Sam Seymour
27115 243rd St., Murdo, SD 57559
Phone: (605) 669-2844 Cell: (605) 530-3638
Sam Seymour is one of the top field representative and salesman for Titan West, Inc. of Linn, Kansas. He has been with the company for over 30 years.
As a ranch hand and cowboy, Sam has used the majority of the livestock handling equipment that he sells. He stands behind the quality of Titan West because of craftsmanship, durability and innovation to make the ranching occupation a little easier.
Titan West, Inc. produces the very best in livestock handling equipment. Equipment comes in standard sizes for horses, cattle and bison. However, equipment may also be manufactured to the customer’s specifications, if requested.
Sandhills State Bank
Monty Neiffer, Regional President
132 N. Main St. - PO Box 376, Valentine, NE 69201
Phone: (402) 376-2211
Fax: (402) 376-1188
Sandhills State Bank is a local partnership committed to serving the Nebraska Sandhills and surrounding ranching community, including south central South Dakota since 1902. The Bank was originally chartered as Commercial Bank of Bassett and was purchased and rebranded in the spring of 2010 by over 50 area families who were determined to provide the region with a strong, locally-owned, and regionally-focused financial institution for cattle producers and other agriculture producers.
Sandhills State Bank is the premier provider of financing for the area’s cattle industry – including cow-calf, stocker, seed stock, feedlot, and diversified operations – and specializes in providing credit for operating, real estate, cattle and equipment financing.
Young Living Essential Oils
Bonnie Gesinger
(605) 685-3364
Essential oils are aromatic, concentrated plant extracts that are carefully obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping. We offer essential oils, blends, and oil-infused products, including toxin and chemical free cleaning products, laundry soap, make-up, baby products and health and wellness supplements; with the optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring essential oil constituents to maximize their potency.